Travelling with your pet(s), can be complex and time-consuming.  There are animal health requirements that are specific for each destination.  Factors to consider may include meeting time frames for obtaining a health certificate, updating vaccinations, diagnostic testing, or administration of medications/ treatments.

Please note that preparing for travel to some countries can take several months.

Visit to become familiar with all the requirements necessary for travel to your destination with your pet.

To schedule an appointment for travel certificates, you must first complete the following form. Once received, we will review it and call you to schedule your appointment(s).

Who is accompanying your pet while traveling?

Contact Information for person accompanying the pet

Is the trip for pleasure or relocation?
How is your pet traveling?
Will the pet be traveling in cabin or cargo?

Provide the date that you and your pet arrive in the destination

Did your airline or cruise ship give you any additional travel requirements for your pet?
Do you have your flight number?
What type of pet will be traveling?
Does your pet have a microchip?
When was your pet’s last rabies vaccination?
Is a Rabies Titer required for travel to your destination?
Does your destination require an import permit?

The following information will be needed to complete the health certificate. If the service was not provided at our facility, please upload your pets medical records here.

  • Vaccine History
  • Date of last Fecal test
  • Date of last internal parasite treatment (deworming)
  • Date of last external parasite treatment (f/t)
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