Contact Info

Preferred Contact Type
Do You Want To Receive Text Messages?

Please be advised that we may need to reach you by phone while your pet is sedated or under anesthesia. We strongly urge you to be readily available in order to address unforeseen issues in the timeliest manner. If we are unable to reach you, our ability to complete your pet's procedure the same day may be compromised. For this reason, we will not text while your pet is in their procedure and will reserve text messages for communication prior to getting started or once recovered.

Procedural Information

Same Day Lab Testing

To minimize the risks associated with anesthesia and sedation, preliminary lab work is patient dependent prior to anesthesia or sedation. This preliminary information allows us to create the safest drug protocol tailored to your individual pets' needs. If your pet has not had lab work, we may still obtain samples the morning of their procedure. Associated costs, if applicable, will be added to your treatment plan. Please note that lab results may indicate a need for additional testing. Same day options are:

Additional Services

For an additional charge, I would like the following performed on my pet, while he/she is sedated:

Deciduous (Baby) Teeth Removal

As part of your pet's anesthesia check-in, one of our technicians will perform a brief oral exam to look for retained deciduous (baby) teeth. It is recommended that if present, they be removed, and the surgeon will contact you to discuss any additional cost.

Medical Intervention Release

If medical intervention becomes necessary during your pets’ stay with us, every attempt will be made to contact you at the emergency number you have provided.

However, if we cannot reach you, we respectfully request that you provide us with the following instructions:

Exam And Treatment Authorization
Do you authorize an examination and treatment to be performed at Case Veterinary Hospital? 
If an examination and treatment is authorized, what amount would you not want us to exceed?
Emergency Transfer Authorization

In the event of a critical emergency, do you authorize transfer to Savannah Veterinary Emergency Clinic (SVEC)?

If you have entered yes, you agree to be financially responsible for all treatment and services they perform. SVEC is not affiliated with Case Veterinary Hospital, and Case Veterinary Hospital is not responsible for payment.

CPR/Resuscitation Authorization
Should your pet require life-saving measures, such as Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), would you like for the Case Vet team to resuscitate or do you prefer that we do not resuscitate? *CPR authorization includes associated fees.
Declination Of Services
Do you decline any interventional care and associated costs? 

I authorize the performance of diagnostic procedures and use of anesthetic/ sedation agents as deemed necessary for my pet. I understand that preliminary lab work does not eliminate the risk of surgical, anesthetic, sedation complications, or even death, which may be currently unforeseeable. I acknowledge that the procedures have been explained to me and I fully understand the risks associated with anesthesia, sedation, and surgery. In the event of an emergency, I authorize Case Veterinary Hospital to provide lifesaving care.

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Authorization Over Phone
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